partners 2025

Institutional partners


A non-profit association established under the French law of 1901, created in June 2023 by Sabrina Barré and Jade Ricouart, ASTRES has quickly become the go-to collective for students and young professionals passionate about space in France. By bringing together young enthusiasts from diverse academic backgrounds, we aim to create a forum where varied ideas and perspectives can contribute to shaping France’s future space strategy. With a focus on diversity and gender equality, we demonstrate that the space sector is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or gender, encouraging young people to consider careers and missions in this thriving field.




IESF - Engineers and Scientists of France

Engineers and Scientists of France (IESF) represents engineers and scientists in France. As a major player in scientific, technological, and economic debates, IESF is recognized as a public utility organization since 1860 and is an independent and apolitical federation.

Representing in France:

  • Over 1 million engineers, constituting 4% of the active population, and more than 200,000 researchers
  • The 150 largest associations of engineering and scientific alumni

Our missions:

  • UNITE engineers and scientists in France and their associations
  • SUPPORT member associations in developing products and services for their members
  • VALUE and structure the engineering and scientific professions by promoting them
  • REPRESENT the profession to public authorities, companies, and the general public
  • PROMOTE, both in France and abroad, the French educational pathway for scientific studies, particularly for engineers
  • SPEAK on behalf of engineers and scientists

Partenaires médias